Arise with Christ August 09 of Arise with Christ

Our God is God

Our God is God, The Master of the universe, the Creator of all things, the Everlasting to Everlasting.
There is only one true God, the Father our God and He alone is God.
Our God is the source of all light, in Him there is no darkness, all who know Him walk in the light and the Light of lights shines through them.
Every moment with Him is like the dawning of a new day, all things are perpetually new with Him and nothing ever grows old but is forever young.
Spiritual darkness brings death while God's Light brings forth life and that eternal and everlasting.
There is no sunset to His joy and His love, only a perpetual sunrise of love and joy.
With God all things are just beginning, forevermore.
©08/09/2001 Jim Welch

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